We have gone through many tribulations, anxieties, frustrations, and tragedies in these recent months. Not least among our sorrows has been missing Holy Communion when we long for that spiritual food and medicine of immortality. All of us need more than ever to examine our consciences and participate in the sacred mystery of Confession and absolution of our sins—especially now as we prepare to come once again to celebrate the Divine Liturgy and partake of that Holy Communion.
His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon has blessed us to participate in the Mystery of Confession remotely, by phone or GoToMeeting. Starting June 22, however, it is possible to arrange for in-person confessions. Such in-person confessions would normally take place in an outdoor setting near one's home with a measure of privacy. It is also possible to have an occasional confession in the church. In all cases, we will strictly follow standard safety measures. Please make an appointment with Fr. Joshua as soon as possible, by phone at 203-237-4539 or email frjmosher@sspeterpaul.org .