We grieve with Daniel and Beverly Veronick, whose son James died this past weekend.
There will be visiting hours at Ferry’s Funeral Home on Sunday, June 27, 2–4 PM, followed by a funeral vigil service there at 4 PM.
On Monday, June 28, we will hold the funeral service at our church at 10:30 AM. The service will also be livestreamed via YouTube for those who cannot attend. You can find our livestream and past videos on our Parish Media page.
For those attending the service at our church, please be understanding and patient with the parish and with each other, as we adapt to changing COVID guidelines. We ask that you follow all government directives: portal.ct.gov/Coronavirus/Reopen-CT . For those who need to continue distancing, we have reserved the left-hand side of the church with distancing markings. The right side allows for households to stand closer together.
May the Lord keep James in his eternal memory.
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