Wise as Serpents, Innocent as Doves: How to Engage with Politics Faithfully & Charitably
On Wednesday, Oct. 5, we plan our next session of "Exploring Our Faith", via Zoom. All are welcome from 6:30 to 8:00 that evening. Please use this link: https://zoom.us/j/95077393475?pwd=eExDTVJWWFJtMHY0RlBSd1lvREdzUT09 .
Following up from last week, we will consider how to think, talk and act on political matters, as faithful Orthodox Christians. We will start with fundamental principles of apostolic teaching and some historical examples, before looking at our contemporary situation. Don't expect the resulting discussion to endorse a partisan identity or party platform: we are coming to these earthly concerns first and foremost as citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven.
This fall, twice monthly, we will explore your questions about the Orthodox Faith. If you have been wondering how our faith connects with a particular aspect of life, or you would like to learn more about a point of scripture, history, the saints, prayer or worship, submit your suggestion to Fr. Joshua. All are welcome!