On Oct. 16, we begin an online program, “A Foundation in Orthodox Christianity.” Fr. Joshua is publishing on YouTube a series of ten talks for participants to watch at their convenience. Please take careful note of questions and points to examine more closely. We meet via Zoom to discuss these topics on Wednesday evenings twice a month, starting with prayer at 8:00. All are welcome!
Use the following link to participate via Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/95077393475?pwd=eExDTVJWWFJtMHY0RlBSd1lvREdzUT09

Receive reminders and additional resources by signing up for SS. Peter & Paul Orthodox Church's communication tool Flocknote.
Sign up for the Bible Study Group in Flocknote using this form:
In the group, you will receive updates on upcoming sessions, access recordings of previous sessions, and have the chance to ask more questions.

1. I am the Way—an introduction to the course
2. I believe in one God—a careful walk through the Creed, the Symbol of Faith
3. Jesus shows us how to be human—reconsidering our basic assumptions of what it means to be human
4. How to read the Bible—breaking down misconceptions and learning how best to understand the Scriptures
5. Church history over-simplified—2,000 years in a whirlwind tour
6. Worship in time and space—orientation to how, when and where we worship
7. The Holy Mysteries—the Sacraments, the means by which God shares himself with us
8. Personal Holiness—practical consideration of how to live as a follower of Jesus Christ
9. Loving and Leaving the World—how are we supposed to related to the broken world around us?
10. Closing Thoughts—summing up what we’ve learned so far

For those who missed our discussion of previous topics, we are keeping an archive of the recordings. You will need both the link and the passcode to view each discussion.
- Discussion of 1. I am the Way
Passcode: l+2^!a=z
- Discussion of 2. I believe in one God
Passcode: 0s19+6a$
Discussion of 3. Jesus teaches us how to be human
Passcode: hD6y!Xpg
- Discussion of 4. How to read the Bible
Passcode: *5ZZGyR8
- Discussion of 5. Church history over-simplified
Passcode: ^58@cVeL
- Discussion of 6. Worship in Time & Space
Passcode: K+&HxN73 - Discussion of 7. Holy Mysteries
Passcode: k^Y9v*2F