His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon, locum tenens of the Diocese of New England, has announced a superb candidate for bishop of New England: Fr. Benedict Churchill. Fr. Benedict is currently priest of St. George Mission in South Carolina and also an editor of St. Vladimir's Seminary Press.
As Metropolitan Tikhon’s letter explains, he has decided at the unanimous request of the Diocesan Council, to convene a Special Diocesan Assembly on Saturday, Oct. 28, for purpose of voting whether to nominate Fr. Benedict for election by the Holy Synod. This limits our Annual Diocesan Assembly to a one-day agenda on Friday, Oct. 27, at Holy Transfiguration Church, New Haven. Pray for the grace of the Holy Spirit to guide our delegates.
Prayer for the Calling Forth of a New Bishop
Again we pray that the Lord our God, in His mercy and providential care for us, will call forth for our Diocese of New England a true shepherd of wisdom and strength, blessing us with an Archpastor to care for the well-being of our Diocese, and to unite His faithful people in a zealous confession of the Orthodox faith, in loving service to one another, and a bright witness to the glory of His Holy Name.